Worried Bird

Your next unique opportunity awaits.

Worried Bird is a low-investment, subscription-based nationwide home service brand serving residential and commercial customers.

Our Core Values

Give, give, give.

Embrace the present. Exceed their expectations beyond imagination.

Do it right.

We always uphold high standards and let our integrity illuminate our path.

We are disciplined.

We are proactive in staying focused and completing tasks, driven to achieve our goals.

Obsessed with customer satisfaction.

We are passionate about our work, and our customers can feel it.

Take initiative.

We don't hesitate. We jump right in and actively seek out tasks that require attention.

We win together.

While individuals may win occasionally, it's teams that secure consistent victories. We are team players dedicated to the success of our collective.

We are always learning.

Understanding that knowledge and action are crucial for progress. Enhancing ourselves not only benefits our business but also enhances our happiness.

"The Worried Bird opportunity makes me much happier about my life."


Join a unique brand with Worried Bird.

Worried Bird Graphic.
Total Scalability

Our gig rig system offers the flexibility to run it as a one-person business or expand with several crews and teams. Scale it for future sales or long-term security. This unique franchise system sets us apart!

Enjoy Work Year-Round

Our gig rig system offers the flexibility to run it as a one-person business or expand with several crews and teams. Scale it for future sales or long-term security. This unique franchise system sets us apart!

Annual Recurring Revenue

Achieve a robust annual recurring revenue of 76. Our customers are more than just one-time clients. With annual, bi-annual, quarterly, and monthly subscriptions, we ensure a steady, predictable income stream and foster close, long-term relationships that drive substantial cash flow.

Sales Automation

Effective sales automation encourages action and guides you toward the optimal steps to close deals and secure sales. Access pre-written professional messages, and our technology suite transforms you into a proficient salesperson, even with minimal prior experience.

Nurturing Engine

The true effort begins post-sale. Our exclusive nurture engine ensures you stay in your customers' thoughts, boosts average ticket prices through upselling additional services, educates customers, nurtures client relationships, and fosters repeat business.

The Gig Rig

The Gig Rig is a masterpiece that encapsulates numerous jobs and the perfect system setup for any operator. We meticulously crafted the top trailer rig in-house to ensure efficient and reliable service delivery, surpassing anyone else in speed and simplicity worldwide.

Field Service Systems

Effective field service software facilitates smooth communication between customers and employees. Offering functions such as bidding, invoicing, messaging, payment collection, mileage tracking, vehicle GPS integrations, and more, you can thrive as a service provider and know that no details are overlooked.

Worried Bird Academy

Our training platform, Worried Bird Academy, is a contemporary mobile academy offering numerous courses to boost business success. It provides all the resources and guidance you need for confidence and growth, including documentation and playbooks. Integrated with Gig Rig, technicians receive real-time instruction whenever needed.

Dispatch and Sales Center

Central dispatch manages intricate logistics and team member schedules, ensuring the operator's day runs smoothly and efficiently. This allows you to concentrate on expansion rather than daily administrative tasks. The sales center maintains the sharpness of your backend systems and aids in acquiring commercial and national accounts.

The Worried Bird Franchise Process

How do I get started?

Initial Conversation

Kegan will engage in a chat with you, address your inquiries, and determine if it's beneficial to proceed with the discussion.

Discovery Call

Don will thoroughly explain our concept, delve into details, address your inquiries, and build a better understanding of you!

Due Diligence

In this stage, you will conduct research, we will establish boundaries for your potential territory, and gain insight into the existing market conditions.

Confirmation Day

If you're a suitable match, we'll meet in person to discuss moving forward. Experience the Gig Rig and our business firsthand, meet the founder, and delve into the specifics.

Franchise Awarded

Welcome to the family! You will go through the franchise agreement and documents prepared by our legal team, sign them, and make the initial franchise fee payment.

Franchise Launch

Your franchise is set to launch! Construction of your Gig Rig commences as you gain entry to Worried Bird Academy to kickstart your training.

"I chose Worried Bird for the time freedom to spend with my family & my wife. My experience so far is the support is exceptional. Anytime I need anything I have someone to contact.... I didn't need to be an expert to start a business in this field. We've appreciate the opportunities they've given us and the road map to get there."


Your All-in-One Business Solution

This Gig Rig distinguishes you from all competitors. It might seem typical, but it's remarkably distinct. The proprietary technology boosts your efficiency and enables a capacity increase of over $1,200 per rig per day.

Our main advantage lies in simplicity. Crafted in-house, it comes with all necessary equipment in a single package delivered directly to your doorstep. Handle any task, in any place, at any time.

Inside you will find:

  • Screen Supplies
  • 60ft Extension Poles
  • Step Ladder
  • 26ft Ladder
  • Screen Saw and Repair
  • Commercial Power Washer
  • Power Washing Hose
  • Chemical Storage
  • Plumbing and Electrical Access
  • Work Station

Perfect for all services we offer:

  • Window Cleaning
  • Power Washing
  • Window and Door Screen Repair
  • Surface Washing
  • Holiday Lighting
  • Gutter Cleaning
Trailer rig.

The Investment

Franchise Fee

$ 45,000


$ 1,500 - $ 2,500




$ 1,500 - $ 2,500


$ 5,000


$ 500 -$ 1,000

Permit and Registration

$ 100 -$ 1,500

Other Possible Costs

$ 6,150 - $ 23,000

Total Investment Range

$ 93,650 - $ 130,000

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have some questions before you sign up?

What is the investment range?

This will mostly vary depending on the tow vehicle you choose to use.

  • Gig Rig and Equipment: $35,000 - $38,000 
  • Technology: $1,500 - $2,500
  • Marketing: $5,000
  • Insurance: $500 -$1,000
  • Permits and Registration: $100 -$1,500
  • Other Possible Cost: $6,150 - $23,000
  • Franchise Fee: $45,000
  • Total: $93,650-$130,000
How can I pay for it?

There are many financing options for you. Funding your franchise is not hard.ostly vary depending on the tow vehicle you choose to use.

We have 3rd party lenders we work with ready to help you right now.

Home Refinance or Equity Line of Credit: As the market rebounds, you might have more equity in your home. Potential franchisees can often refinance their homes, thanks to low interest rates, and pull enough capital out to purchase a franchise. We suggest that you check with your local credit union or community bank; often, they are willing to work with customers. You might also be able to secure a line of credit based on your home equity portion, which can help with ramp-up costs.

401(k) or IRA Roll Over: Tapping into your retirement fund is a popular way to fund a business. There are several advantages, and there are no financial penalties if you do it right. By creating a C corporation and corporate retirement account and moving corporate stocks, you can, in effect, loan money to yourself. It is always a popular financing option.

Cash: While Worried Bird only requires a minimum liquidity of $30,000, you may have more capital you could use to get started. If you have the liquidity, cash is always a great way to invest. Your savings could be the key to unlocking a richly rewarding investment without the hassle of third parties, tax penalties, or interest rates.

Friends and Family: A great place to make up any gap remaining friends and family that believes in what you're doing is a great resource to get the leftover capital needed to make your business ownership a reality.

What kind of support will I have?

You'll receive:

  • Access to the Worried Bird franchisee only website to find all franchisee resources in one place. This includes training resources, launch timelines, and newsletters.
  • Access to the 130-page operations manual is the secret sauce of everything we do from A-Z.
  • A copy of the 119 page Sales and Marketing playbook. A deep dive into the best tactical strategies and practical action items we used to get out of obscurity and land and expand new customers since 2013.
  • Access to Worried Bird Academy. Includes hundreds of training videos from building a team to field ops to pipeline management and more.
  • Gig Rig integrated training videos for in the field help.
  • Multiphase start-up training program including 7-10 days of in-person training.
  • Coaching calls anytime you need and regular check-in calls as scheduled.
  • In the field (FaceTime) support via your Gig Rig communications center with a Gig Guide or the Founder.
  • Annual sales kickoff and retreat.
How much money will I make?

It is a great question! By law, we're not allowed to say how much you are "going" to make. However, the capacity of a Gig Rig trailer is about $1,500/day.

How do I get customers?

Great question!

There's a lot that happens here! To name a few, we provide sales services to help you get started and to help you land and expand commercial and residential accounts and routes.

You'll also receive constant weekly video training in our training academy, coupled with a robust, in-the-field playbook detailing how to find customers, keep them, and expand them.

A routine phone call keeps you accountable and on track with your targets, goals and your ultimate vision.

PLUS A WHOLE LOT MORE that we can't tell you about here. 😉 We are proficient with client acquisition. It's our strong suit. We'll show you how we do it!

How many Gig-Rigs can I buy?

As many as you need! If you want to grow your territory and operations, multiple Gig Rigs can be built and shipped to your area within about 8 weeks.

What if I don't have any prior experience?

That's just it! You don't need any prior experience. All you need a strong desire to grow a brand and build something you'll be proud of.

What kind of tow vehicle do I need?

A truck is best. We require a vehicle that is no more than ten years old. Your hitch must be able to carry 3,500 lbs. If you don't have a truck, that's okay! Another capable vehicle will work, but it will need to be approved before the service begins.

How long does the process take?

After signing your franchise agreement, you can count on starting after about 75 days.

  • 60 days to build your Gig Rig
  • 14 days of training
  • 1 launch day
How much overhead is there?

Our system is lean and efficient. It allows little overhead, high margins and flexibility. No need for office space either. Park the rig at home and reap the rewards of mobile service delivery.

How do I scale?

Starting with a single rig is a great place to start. After your rig reaches capacity, you can:

  • Acquire a new territory to service
  • Acquire another Gig Rig to service your current territory
  • Both 1 and 2

It is scaled as you grow - keeping expenses as linear as possible.

This is not a franchise offering. A franchise offering can be made by us only in a state if we are first registered, excluded, exempted, or otherwise qualified to offer franchises in that state, and only if we provide you with an appropriate franchise disclosure document. Follow-up or individualized responses to you that involve either effecting or attempting to effect a franchise's sale will be made if we are first in compliance with state registration requirements or are covered by an applicable state exclusion or exemption.